
So What is Apologetics?

What do you think when you hear the word “apologetics?” Better yet, have you ever heard the term before? When I tell people that I’m an apologetics major, they start by asking if I’m learning how to apologize. I know, I know it sounds very original. To this I tend to give a polite chuckle and tell them no, that in fact I am studying about defending my faith “unapologetically.”

So what is apologetics? As I said, it is defending your faith. That is a very surface explanation. There are many different terms that define what apologetics is. Britannica is a good one that says apologetics is “the intellectual defense of the truth of the Christian religion, usually considered a branch of theology” (Britannica). I’ll do you one better, apologetics comes from the Greek word apologia which means “a speech in defense” simply put (Strong’s Concordance).

Apologetics is not to be confused with evangelism. While they work hand in hand with each other, they are very much different aspects of the Christian faith. Evangelism focuses on sharing the Gospel to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19-20) while apologetics focuses on the ideas from 1 Peter 3:15, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect” (NASB).

Dr. Francis Schaffer has placed the term of “pre-evangelism.” (CCU Online). As you explore into this topic more, you can see where this is an appropriately placed sentiment. In modern terms, we could say that apologetics ran so evangelism could walk. When the apostles were traveling to spread the Gospel, they also had to have their defenses, or their proof, as they addressed people who had differing views than them and were closed off to anything new.

Sure, evangelism and apologetics come naturally to some people. God gives all of us our own gifts to use for His glory. That doesn’t mean those are the only people who can do it. Anyone can learn, and should learn, how to practice apologetics. As you start learning more and digging into all the information and proof that God has left us in our world, you will be strengthening your own walk as well as increasing your knowledge and understanding.

There are multiple layers behind apologetics as you get going. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. It isn’t as simple as sharing the Gospel, that would be evangelism. Instead it is learning to use “scientific evidence, theological reflection, and philosophical reasoning” to provide and support the Gospel in a way that resonates with non-believers and skeptics (Union Baptist Association).

Want to dive in deeper? Check out these books:

Christian Apologetics by Douglas Groothuis

Thinking About Christian Apologetics: What is it and Why we do it by James K. Beilby


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