Desserts Food

PB&J Cupcakes

Like stated in a previous post, I made cupcakes for some members in my family. I made my grandpa PB&J cupcakes.

Growing up, my grandpa always stressed how PB&J was the best food ever. He would talk about how he grew up with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch everyday. It was something that him and his siblings could make themselves and it filled them up.


He has entered retirement and still loves him PB&J sandwiches. I decided, what better than to make him a peanut butter and jelly cupcake!?

I used the yellow cake recipe I wrote about here. I filled it with grape jelly, his favorite and topped it with a peanut butter frosting.

I am obsessed with Pinterest and trying new recipes so of course this is where I found the peanut butter frosting recipe. You can get to the peanut butter recipe here.

This frosting is AH-MAY-ZING!! I of course had to try it before putting it on the cupcakes. It reminded me of my grandma’s peanut butter fudge. For your comparison, picture mixing Reese’s peanut butter with marshmallow fluff. SO SO SO GOOD!

These cupcakes turned out really well. I will say that if/ when I make them again, I will put more jelly inside the cupcake.

15 replies on “PB&J Cupcakes”

Awe! I bet your Grandpa was so happy that you remembered his stories and thought enough of him to make these for him. So sweet!
My kids LOVE peanut butter and jelly,
but I’ve never thought to do it in a cupcake! Brilliant! Definitely adding this to our list of recipes to try this summer.

Oh definitely! He would tell me stories all the time growing up but always stressed that peanut butter and jelly was the perfect food. It tastes good, has nutrition, and keeps you full lol.

I used around a tablespoon. You want to make sure that the cupcake is cool before adding it though so that you can bite into a bit of jelly. If not, it will melt and get mushy.

I lived on PB&J growing up, so these cupcakes are right up my alley. At a party I was at recently, they had an assortment of cupcakes, but the ones with the peanut butter frosting were the most popular.

This is just plain genius!

My kids LOVE pb&j, and only half as much as they love cupcakes.

This would be a great combo for a special occasion like Valentine’s Day or a birthday! Thanks for the great suggestion!

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