Faith Tough Topics

“It’s my body”

Let’s have a heart to heart. Better yet let’s start off with a question: are you pro-life or are you pro-choice?

I posted a poll on my personal Facebook to get an idea of what everyone thinks. I simply asked for them to click which side they went to, pro-life or pro-choice. It was anonymous and I left it open for anyone to message me if they wanted to state something about it.

I had 101 people on my friends list. Out of those 101 people, I had two respond to the poll. Just TWO! Only 18 people actually looked at it. I am aware of some of the opinions of those on my friends list, I know where some of them sit. It just struck me weird as to why there was virtually no engagement even though I would be the only one to see who said what.

Now before you answer, let that sink in. Let all the areas and all the little twists sit for a minute before just shouting out where you stand.

If you are someone who wants science, let’s dive into some facts. Mayo clinic has a nice break down of the development stages for each trimester. If you look at the article, you can see that the heart develops at the 5 week mark.

While some women are able to find out they are pregnant super early, the average, early confirmation is 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Keep in mind that they count from the start of your last period as part of your pregnancy.

It’s suggested that babies don’t have a right to life until their soul has developed. We can look into what Aristotle says, that a male’s soul develops at 40 days and a female’s at 90. Right off the bat, we have to wonder what the difference would be between the males and the females that the supposed development would be such a large jump between the two. Next we would have to wonder, how would you actually know when the soul has developed? Wouldn’t it be upon conception when their is a new individual line of DNA? If your soul develops later, or even after birth, then explain Luke 1:44 “Behold, because as the voice of your salutation occurred in my ears, the babe in my womb leaped in exceeding joy”, referring to John the Baptist while he was still in his mother’s womb (Pure word).

One thing that scientists from different fields have agreed on is that life in fact does start at conception. They acknowledge that upon conception, the “embryo” has it’s own form of DNA, therefore it is in fact separate from the mother. The part that is up for debate is the part to whether that speck of life has rights, has a right to life.

Dr Henriques posted an article noting that the scientific community agrees that life begins at conception. However, he ends his thoughts by focusing on the rights of the unborn baby stating that, “life begins at conception, yes, but that doesn’t give it the legal or moral status of a person“.

So take all of that in, they can agree that the baby is it’s own person with it’s own set of DNA, but that isn’t enough to give it any rights. Doesn’t that sound a lot like taking their life into your own hands?

Ok so now stepping out of a science view and focus on a biblical point. I know a lot of people do place abortion as a religious focus only. If you are pro-life, you are on some “religious nut” agenda until proven otherwise. I have met plenty of people who refer to themselves as Christians and they are pro-choice.

God does delight in children. They are gifts from him. Psalm 127:3-5 says “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children are a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are son’s born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them” (NIV).

Like noted above, we have our own set of DNA that makes us unique to ourselves upon conception, Psalm 139:13-16 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be” (NIV).

We are complex beings with our being stitched together from the very moment we are conceived. Before our parents even thought about us, let alone knew about us, we were being stitched together. God says this to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (NIV). Not only are you created unique, you also have a purpose put in place before you know what it is.

“But what about victims of rape?” “Why would you wish someone to put their body through that who doesn’t want it?” “It’s my body, my choice!” How many times when abortion and female rights comes up have you heard this? I will never be one to say that victim’s of rape deserved it, and that it isn’t a tragic event, or that they don’t need help. On the contrary, I believe that it is an unfortunate and traumatic event and they will need all the love and support that they can get to help heal even though the memories and the pain won’t ever go away. I also believe that there is not just one victim, but two. Just like the mom did not ask to be put in that situation, the baby didn’t either. Knowing that life does start at conception and that they have their own DNA, making them their own being, where does that give the mom the right to end that life?

There are options aside from abortion, there is keeping the baby and adoption. You do not have to abort with other options available.

Those who want to choose pro-choice, you’re right, you do have the choice. At the end of the day, there is always that choice. There will always be that choice. I won’t narrow it to a hard verses easy choice because there are those who have a hard time choosing to go through with an abortion even though they still do. How can you argue when you take someone’s own being into your own hands because they can’t protest? They can’t tell you no.

It is important to speak up and stand the ground of those who cannot speak for themselves. Everyone seems to forget that they were once that baby. The one that people claim isn’t a person and has no rights. Think about that.

” And now Brethren, whatever is True, whatever Honest, whatever Righteous, whatever Pure, whatever Lovely, whatever of God-Good Report, if any Virtue and if any Full Praise, you must be accounting these things. Whatever you have Learned and Received Along, and Heard and have Spiritually Discerned these things Of Mine you are Practicing, and the God of His Peace Will Be With You” Philippians 4:8-9, The Pure Word.


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